Tree Planting 2008 – November 15th & 22nd
Volunteers smile in spite of the cold.
Happy Planters
City Park employees
City Council Member Ron Natinsky and SCCO
volunteer organizer Jack Steinberg
Ron Natinsky & Citizen Foresters
Newly planted trees!
A Citizen Forester and city employees.
December 10, 2005 - Bench Dedication
FRPT leaders, current and former elected officials from the City of Dallas dedicate the first bench on the Preston Ridge Trail to Sandy Greyson.
This plaque is in the cement next to the bench.
Dallas County Commissioner Maureen Dickey and Honoree Sandy Greyson. Dallas County funded the original construction of the 5 mile cement trail using County funds. Total cost, approximately $1 million.
Current Dallas City Councilmember Ron Natinsky and Honoree Sandy Greyson, sitting on the new bench.